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IPMAT Exam Preparation Tips | How to Prepare for IPM exam

The Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test (IPMAT) is a highly competitive entrance exam conducted by premier institutions such as the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) for admission to their coveted five-year Integrated Program in Management. In this article guide, we will delve into the intricacies of IPMAT preparation, offering valuable insights and tips to help you navigate through this challenging examination.

Before going to understand any preparation tips and techniques, every student need to understand IPMAT exam pattern.


Knowing the IPMAT Exam Pattern is the very important for preparation & execution.

For IPMAT Indore, you should prepare for two major subjects, Quantitative Ability and Verbal Ability. But, there is also a twist in this exam pattern. For IPMAT Indore, in QA section you have to prepare for MCQs and also for short answer.

SectionNo. of QuestionTime Duration (in minutes)
Quantitative Ability  (MCQ)3040
Quantitative Ability  (Short Answer)1540
Verbal Ability4540

Marking Scheme :
Every correct answer carries : Plus 4 marks.
Every incorrect answer carries : Minus 1 mark.
QUANTITATIVE ABILITY (SA) Section will not carry any negative marking.
Total marks : 360 Marks.
There is one thing where you should be careful is the negative marking system. For, the right answer in IPMAT is 4 marks and for incorrect answer, 1 mark will be negative.
Only for Quantitative Ability short answer, there is no negative marking.


For any exam preparation, the first thing to know it’s exam pattern and exam syllabus. So, here you can see the below-mentioned table for IPMAT Rohtak exam paper pattern.

SectionNo. of QuestionTime Duration
Quantitative Ability  (MCQ)40Total 120 minutes
Logical Reasoning40
Verbal Ability40

Marking Scheme :
Every correct answer carries : Plus 4 marks.
Every incorrect answer carries : Minus 1 mark.
Total marks : 480 Marks.


  • Quantitative Ability (QA):
    • Strengthen your fundamentals in mathematics, focusing on topics such as algebra, geometry, number theory, and arithmetic.
    • Practice solving problems using different approaches to improve your problem-solving skills.
    • Develop a habit of mental calculations to save time during the exam.
    • Master the art of time versus accuracy trade-off, as speed is crucial in this section.
  • Verbal Ability (VA):
    • Enhance your vocabulary through daily reading, making use of newspapers, novels, and online articles.
    • Practice reading comprehension passages regularly to improve reading speed and comprehension.
    • Focus on grammar rules and language usage, with attention to sentence correction and error identification.
    • Develop the habit of summarizing passages to grasp the central theme and main ideas.
  • Logical Reasoning (LR):
    • Practice solving a variety of puzzles, seating arrangements, and logical reasoning problems.
    • Develop a systematic approach to solving problems, ensuring clarity of thought and accuracy.
    • Time yourself during practice sessions to improve your speed and efficiency in solving logical reasoning questions.
  • Mock Tests and Sample Papers:
    • Regularly take full-length mock tests to simulate the exam environment.
    • Analyze your performance after each mock test to identify strengths and weaknesses.
    • Work on improving accuracy and speed in areas where you face challenges.
    • Solve previous years’ question papers to understand the exam pattern and question types.
  • Revision and Conceptual Clarity:
    • Focus on strengthening your conceptual understanding of key topics.
    • Regularly revise formulas, concepts, and shortcut techniques to retain information.
    • Create concise notes for quick revision during the last days before the exam.


IPMAT Preparation With Coaching:
  • Expert Guidance:
    • Access to experienced instructors who can provide insights into the exam pattern, question types, and effective preparation strategies.
    • Coaching classes often have faculty with a deep understanding of the subject matter.
  • Structured Curriculum:
    • Follow a well-organized curriculum designed to cover all relevant topics within a specified timeframe.
    • Coaching classes can provide a roadmap for your preparation, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the syllabus.
  • Peer Learning:
    • Interact with fellow aspirants, share ideas, and engage in group discussions.
    • Peer interaction can offer additional perspectives, tips, and motivation.
  • Regular Mock Tests:
    • Coaching institutes typically conduct regular mock tests, helping you get accustomed to the exam format and time constraints.
    • Receive detailed performance analysis and feedback to identify areas for improvement.
IPMAT Preparation Without Coaching:
  • Flexibility:
    • Self-paced learning allows you to create a study schedule that aligns with your pace and preferences.
    • You have the freedom to choose your study materials, resources, and focus areas.
  • Cost-Effective:
    • Avoiding coaching classes can be more budget-friendly as you won’t incur expenses related to tuition fees and commuting.
  • Independence:
    • Develops self-discipline and independence in learning, crucial skills for management education.
    • You have the autonomy to customize your study plan based on your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Personalized Approach:
    • Tailor your study strategy based on your unique learning style.
    • Focus more on areas where you need improvement rather than adhering to a standardized curriculum.
  • Reduced Pressure:
    • Some individuals thrive in a less structured environment and perform better without the added pressure of attending coaching classes.

Ultimately, the choice between preparing for IPMAT with or without coaching depends on your individual preferences, learning style, and circumstances. Some candidates thrive with the flexibility and autonomy of self-study, while others benefit from the structure and guidance provided by coaching institutes.

Whichever path you choose, remember that consistent and focused preparation is key. Regular practice, mock tests, and a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses will contribute significantly to your success in the IPMAT.


Begin by understanding the IPMAT exam pattern and syllabus. Create a study schedule, focusing on each section – Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability, and Logical Reasoning. Start with strengthening your foundational knowledge and gradually move to more complex topics.

Coaching is not mandatory for IPMAT preparation. Many students successfully prepare on their own through self-study. However, coaching can provide structured guidance, expert insights, and access to regular mock tests. The choice depends on your learning style and preferences.

Practice solving questions under timed conditions to improve your speed. Develop a strategy to prioritize questions based on difficulty levels. Time yourself during mock tests to ensure you can complete the entire paper within the given time frame.

Use a combination of NCERT textbooks, reference books, online resources, and mock tests. Books specific to IPMAT preparation, along with reputable online platforms, can be valuable resources. Past years’ question papers are also essential for understanding the exam pattern.

Mock tests are crucial for several reasons. They simulate exam conditions, help you manage time effectively, and identify areas that need improvement. Regularly solving mock tests also boosts your confidence and familiarizes you with the exam pattern.

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