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CAT Preparation Without Coaching | CAT Self Preparation Tips

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a highly competitive entrance exam conducted in India for admission to various management programs offered by Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other business schools. CAT is one of India’s most widely recognized and respected management entrance exams.

Also, more than 3 lakh students are appearing CAT exam. So, completion is also high. Due to this, every candidate has to work hard on CAT preparation.

Preparing for the Common Admission Test (CAT) without coaching is certainly possible, but it requires dedication, self-discipline, and a structured approach.

Doubts While Preparing CAT Without Coaching

  • How should I start my preparation
    Start by understanding the CAT exam pattern, syllabus, and marking scheme. This will give you a clear picture of what to expect.
  • Where can I find study materials?
    There are many online and offline resources available. Consider using standard CAT preparation books, online study platforms, and CAT-specific websites.
  • How should I improve my time management skills for the exam?
    Practice is key. Solve CAT-level mock tests regularly to improve your time management skills. Analyze your performance in these tests to understand where you can save time.
  • What about mock tests and previous year papers?
    Mock tests and previous year papers are invaluable. Take as many mock tests as possible, and review your performance thoroughly. Try to solve previous year papers to get a sense of the exam pattern.
  • When should I start taking mock tests?
    Start taking mock tests after you’ve covered the basic concepts. As you progress, increase the frequency of mock tests to simulate the exam environment.

How to Prepare for CAT without Coaching?

Read ahead to get tips on cracking with a good score without any coaching. Because, it is coast saving way to prepare for CAT exam, which can be more beneficiary in your future.

  • Check CAT Exam Pattern
    Knowing the CAT exam pattern is the first step toward preparation.

    CAT exam pattern would be as follows:

    Mode of exam: Online
    Duration of exam: 2 hours
    Number of sessions: 2
    Total number of questions: 100
    Type of questions: MCQ and non-MCQ type
    Marking scheme: 3 marks for right answer; minus 1 for each wrong answer. No negative marking for non-MCQ questions.

SectionNo. of MCQsNo. of Non MCQsTotal MarksDuration
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (Section I)16-186-87240 minutes
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (Section II)1466040 minutes
Quantitative Ability (Section III)1466640 minutes
TOTAL44-6620-22198120 minutes
  • Understand the CAT Exam Syllabus:
    Familiarize yourself with the CAT exam pattern and syllabus, including the number of sections (usually Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Ability), the number of questions, and the time allocated for each section.
  • Create a Study Plan:
    Develop a structured study plan that covers all the topics and sections of the CAT syllabus. Allocate specific time for each topic, and make sure to include regular practice tests and mock exams.
  • Select Right Study Material:
    Collect the best study materials, such as CAT preparation books, online resources, and past question papers. The official CAT website usually provides free or low-cost sample papers.
    Also, buy books from genuine publishers. You can get reviews from the digital platforms or if somebody has read the book, check its feedback if the books are rich in content or not, etc. Please note books gain popularity only when the content is good.
  • Online Resources:
    Utilize online platforms and forums to access free or affordable study material, practice questions, and peer support. Websites where some free study materials are available can be valuable resources. Also, you can watch free video lectures on YouTube.
  • Practice Regularly:
    Dedicate a significant portion of your preparation to solving practice questions and taking mock tests. Regular practice will help you get a better grasp of the exam pattern and improve your time management.
  • Note-Taking:
    Maintain notes for key concepts, formulas, and strategies. These notes will be helpful for quick revisions and reference.
  • Concept Clarity:
    Ensure a strong understanding of fundamental concepts in quantitative aptitude, verbal ability, and data interpretation. CAT is known for testing your problem-solving skills, and a solid foundation in the basics is crucial.
  • Join Study Groups:
    Consider forming or joining a study group with like-minded individuals to discuss concepts, solve problems, and provide motivation. Many study groups like telegram channels, WhatsApp channel where institutes provides study stuff and quiz.
  • Be Updated & Stay Informed:
    Keep yourself updated on the latest changes and notifications related to CAT through the official website and other reliable sources. Knowing the latest update can save more time in CAT exam preparation.
  • Revision:
    Regularly revise what you’ve learned to ensure that the concepts are ingrained in your memory. Daily practice and revision is the key to crack CAT with good score.

CAT Without Coaching Benefits

Cracking the Common Admission Test (CAT) without formal coaching has its advantages for certain individuals. Here are some key benefits.

  • Personalized Learning: Self-study allows you to tailor your CAT preparation according to your strengths and weaknesses. You can focus more on areas where you need improvement and progress at your own pace.
  • Time Flexibility: Coaching classes often follow a rigid schedule, while self-study allows you to plan your study sessions around your daily routine and commitments, making it more flexible.
  • Cost Savings: CAT coaching can be expensive. Self-study eliminates the need to pay for coaching classes, study materials, and commute expenses, which can save a significant amount of money.
  • Independence: Self-study promotes self-discipline and independent learning, valuable skills that are not only beneficial for CAT but also for future academic and professional pursuits.
  • Reduced Pressure: Some students find coaching classes to be too competitive and high-pressure. Self-study allows you to set your own pace and reduce stress levels.
  • Confidence Building: Achieving success in CAT without coaching can boost your confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment, which can be beneficial for your future goals.

Remember that success in CAT without coaching depends on your dedication, self-discipline, and effective use of resources. It’s essential to create a well-structured plan and stick to it throughout your preparation.


Yes, it is possible to crack CAT without coaching. Many candidates have done so by self-studying and utilizing online resources.

Begin by understanding the CAT exam pattern, syllabus, and marking scheme. Gather study materials, such as books, online resources, and practice tests.

Practice regularly and solve problems from various sources. Focus on your weak areas and use online resources for additional guidance.

Read extensively, practice reading comprehension exercises, and work on your vocabulary. Regularly attempt VARC mock tests.

Practice different types of DILR problems from various sources and analyse the solutions. Focus on improving your logical thinking and data interpretation skills.

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